saata VOL: 1, ISSUE: 1 - Dec 2021 facebook

Creative Corner


Own your Power

Our human body is so beautifully designed, in a system that may seem so chaotically intertwined.

It is science that has proven that in our every experience, thought and action, every cell in our body is impacted and thousands of neurons come to life.

As intricate as it may seem, isn’t it fascinating?

To know that in the stories we listen, the path we walk, the brush we pick, the friend we meet and the food we relish, each and everything impacts us and every part of our body, like a magnetic field passing from our cells to our genes, constantly reshaping us!

Often dangling between the extremities of perspectives, are we truly deciding our lives or are we just a product of our experience?

As inexplicable as it may seem, how liberating it is to know that, either way we still have a choice!

The choice to heal. The choice to perceive. The choice to redefine and rewrite our stories.

And the infinite choice to create a ripple effect for generations and more.

The choices we make every single day from every step to our perspective, big or small, certainly constellates the unique being we are!

In our liberation, may we remember our power.

The power to make our own choices.

The choice to live, to heal and to grow!

Cherish the being

We are most often told what we “need to do” “should do” as tasks and targets. As crucial as it is to achieve goals and accomplish desires, are we truly fulfilled by them? Or have we accepted it one among the several normalcies, thereby minimizing the greater potential?

The child-like joy from building sand castles is long lost as adults, building a million essentials and still not feeling truly joyous.

We want more.

We run in different directions to quench the thirst, like it is never attainable. Let us stop and reflect.

What is a real accomplishment, if it is set by another?

What is truly a success, if we can’t enjoy it?

Here is the probable gap.

Until we celebrate the core of our existence, what appears grand on the outside never truly reaches our soul.

Celebrate another just the way they are and watch them bloom inevitably and beautifully in a hundred million ways.

Disregard the value of the self and you will see huge accomplishments that are seemingly great on the outside, not seeping anywhere beyond the surface. It is time we attune ourselves to the hidden truth: We are the potential that we are in search of!

Let us look beyond the illusion, embrace ourselves at our core being and enjoy growth to its true essence.

Undeniably and powerfully, it all begins from the self!

- Sangeetha Dilipkumar


From the Editorial Desk




Creative Corner

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