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The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture
Gabor Maté, Daniel Maté

The renowned physician Gabor Maté co-authored along with his son Daniel, The Myth of the Normal, a revolutionary book that tears into the western belief around health and illness.

He analyses how the western countries that prides itself on its health care systems is seeing a steady rise in chronic illness, general ill health and adolescent mental illness.

This physician with over four decades of clinical experience busts the myth of the normal being false as he explains the roles that stress, trauma, and modern life style pressures exert on our bodies and minds impacting our health. Maté brings his perspective to the detangling of common myths about what makes us sick, connects the dots between the maladies of individuals and the declining soundness of society and in this offers a compassionate guide for health and healing. He strikes at the core of Western medicine pointing out that it stresses only on the individual and their symptoms never taking into consideration how factors such as stress , poverty and racism can contribute to health issues.

He explains that the physical and psychological cannot be fully separated from one another and that personal and cultural trauma play an evident role in contributing to our health and wellness.

A great read for those in training and practitioners to delve into the role of trauma in the client’s mental health journey.


- Book review written by Asha Raghavan


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